Their official release stated, 

“I am writing on behalf of Akyem Kotoku Royals Football Club senior management to officially announce that Paolo Campagna has departed his position as head coach of the club effective 22nd February 2022. I will like to assure all our supporters and stakeholders that Paolo’s departure will not hinder the progress of our strategic objectives.

Going forward, Ernest Okyere will take control of first team duties as interim coach. Senior management have begun the process of identifying the new substantive head coach and hope to make an official announcement to the effect before commencement of the second half of the season.

We are sincerely appreciative of the support and the relationship we have with our fans and stakeholders. I want to give full assurance that the club is in a very good place after a successful first round of the season, we are focused on our objectives for this season and God willing, we will success.

Where the Trails of Passion Meet, Begins the Path to Victory.

Yours sincerely,


Kwasi Amponsa

Office of the CEO

Akyem Kotoku Royals Football Club”