The evergreen Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of the British and Irish Boxing Association, Mr. Gianluca Di Caro pays a working visit to Ghana in the company of Assassins Promotion boxer Lee ‘Aberdeen Assassin’ McAllister and Christianne OFathaigh.

Di Caro recounts his time after touching down at the Kotoka International Airport.

“Day one in Ghana started early – 6am in fact, with GBA Vice President Roger Barnor picking me up from the airport, then after a quick breakfast we headed down to the Bukom Boxing Arena, where the GBA offices are.

Met up with the Ghanaian Olympic Boxing Squad who were hard at work already, before being shown around the entire Bukom facility that includes beside the gym, arena and GBA offices an Olympic Pool, sports bar, conference centre and much, much more.

After that it was into the centre of Accra to meet up with my longtime friend and top Ghanaian Matchmaker Solomon Otoo and other matchmakers and coaches as well as so many pro boxers that have fought in the UK and others I look forward to boxing in UK very soon.

Lee McAllister and Christianne OFathaigh who finally arrived after an even longer more complicated journey than my own following missing their transfer in Amsterdam

Then went back to GBA offices to meet with the full team including the President, for a quick chat ahead of a full on meeting tomorrow.

Talking about tomorrow – besides weigh in, going to the Charles Quartey Boxing Foundation with APBC AFRICA Vice President Patrick Johnson and Roger Barnor as well as meetings with a couple of promoters and of course the President of the GBA

Have to say loving every minute and now going out for a meal and then to bed as am already shattered after such a busy day.”

With the BIBA boss in town and a fight between Scottish Boxer Lee McAllister and Nigeria’s Olaide Fijabi, boxing circle is going to have time to deliberate on boxing and the existed corporation between the two associations. 

Photo Credit: Di Caro