• Yasmin completed the tailored female only FA level one coaching course to increase representation of female coaches in football and females from Muslim backgrounds to reflect and inspire younger women.
  • Four years later, she’s Head Coach with 80 girls playing football on Monday nights.
  • Recipient of BT Action Woman Award for her work as a role model.

Yasmin Hussain is an inspirational role model, football coach and mother. She thoroughly enjoyed playing football as a young girl, yet as a female Muslim she often found it difficult to access the sport due to the lack of female coaches.  

Four years ago, Yasmin decided to get back into the sport she loved so much. Once she started playing, she spotted a poster looking for female coaches. She jumped at the opportunity and now uses her skills to coach others, increasing representation of female coaches and Muslim women.  

I can’t wait to carry the Baton with pride this summer.YASMIN HUSSAIN, BATONBEARER

Yasmin is passionate about the mental and physical benefits of playing football and holds an FA Level 1 coaching qualification so that she can help others enjoy these benefits too. Her ability to do so is extremely rewarding and means she can help provide opportunities for young women in her community.  

Yasmin is the recipient of BT Action Woman Award for her work as a visible role model and work to encourage women from ethnic minority backgrounds to engage in sport. Her coaching extends to help other female coaches in East London reach their potential.  

Yasmin has taken her qualification to new heights and is an inspiration to her whole community. Coaching girls, women and mixed groups is something that brings her a huge amount of joy and helping to break the barriers that she once faced is a huge accomplishment. 

Yasmin has been chosen as a Batonbearer as she regularly takes on challenges and inspires others to get involved in sport.  

Source: B2022