The Cheetahs, Benin Republic’s national team have since Monday assembled in Abidjan in preparation for their twin World Cup qualifying matches with Rwanda and Nigeria.

Both matches are home games for the team but are compelled to play the matches outside their shores for lack of adequate pitch.

  Already, 17 of the 24 invited players had the first training session on Wednesday under Nigeria’s former manager, Gernot Rohr.

Those in camp are: Saturnin Allagbe, Marcel Dandjinou, Jodel Dossou, Junior Olaitan, Rabiou Sankamao, Rachid Moumoltni, Rodrigue Fassinou and Prince Ricardo Dossou.

   Others are: Romaric Amoussou, Abdul Karim Rahman,  Mohamed Tijani, Cedric Holtntondji, Yohan Roche, David Tchetchao -Mariano Ahouangbo, David Kiki and Steve Mounte.

Still expected to arrive the Abidjan camp are: Imourane Hassane -Samson Akinyoola and Dodo Dokou.